Orange man bad, Yellow man… good?

Universal Basic Income, Chinese social credit and the coming National Socialist ethnostates. Where’s the intersection here?

With every Tom, Dick and Andrew talking about Universal Basic Income (UBI) it must always be mentioned that you don’t get something for nothing, especially from a state. A thousand dollars a month could definitely help many people, but at what cost?

China has recently introduced the idea of social credit, where citizens are given ‘points’ based on the amount of positive things they say about the state. Points can also be lost, not just for saying negative things but also for saying nothing. Points lost can mean less access to work, or state benefits, it can mean prison in the worst cases. And all of this is enforced with cameras and audio devices everywhere monitoring and recording the words and behaviours of the citizens in that glorious Communist utopia. One is being trained to say nice things about ones country or state to the point that not saying anything is seen as a bad thing. One must interact with the official policies of the nation or become an outcast, or a prisoner, where probably even more persuasive methods will be used to enforce conformity to the ideal.

National Socialism and Bolshevism are often criticised (incorrectly in the case of National Socialism) for having forced citizens to adhere to its states in similar ways. But the pre-war socialists could have only dreamed of the power China currently holds over it’s people.

In general, National Socialists were loyal to their state because it offered them so much, and because it had returned to them much of what had been lost in the years prior to National Socialism. Loyalty to the state was built on mutual love, not one way antagonism.

As power inevitably shifts from the West to the East those who are ready to embrace National Socialism will inherit the countries of our people once again. Despite the initial reticence of many in the West, some great things can be said of China. They do not embrace globohomo, nor doctrinous religion and most importantly they do not have a private central bank, and they understand the reality of race. China will want the West to become the West again, not necessarily the power the west once held, but at least the people and their unique mindset will not be disrespected. They at least, in no way like our current leaders, recognise our inherent strengths as Europeans, and so they recognise our innovative skills needed to create the things that they manufacture for the world. China aknowledges the racial reality of our countries, and when their power and influence increases to the point that they are able to return what is rightfully ours back to us – and remove the hobbling blocks of Political Correctness, Progressive Liberalism and Cultural Marxism – they will have unquestionable loyalty from the people.

Shitlibs, traitors, lefties, anti-fascists – the whole gamut of globohomo conformist people currently responsible for the destruction of the West have no loyalty to their countries, so will not receive UBI, which will be doled out based, as in China, on ones loyalty to the state, not to ones loyalty to an idea, such as Communism. China, unlike our own countries, does not wish to destroy us, or impose upon us fickle mental retardants but merely to use our ingenuity and inventive nature, which they understand comes from our people and not simply ideas or doctines. Their outline for our states will be what is best to achieve their aims, and they are definitely intelligent enough to see that the greatest – and most natural system for Aryan achievement and loyalty is National Socialism.

Right-Wing Enlightenment

The accusations thrown at those who lean Right politically are usually that they are ignorant, ill-informed, primative and the like, in contrast to the apparently enlightened stance of the modern progressive. For this to be true one of two positions must be held by liberals.

The first is the belief that being Right-wing is somehow unintelligent. If we are to accept what the liberal says on face value, then they have only come to their position through education, implying that they too were once an unintelligent, racist, bigot. Of course, this also implies that the Right-wing position is in fact the natural position we are all born with, and only through education does one learn to not be Right-wing. This supports our belief that we are all born with preferences, born unequal etc, and therefore there is actually nothing wrong with being that way. If the liberal was to admit he may have previously held contrary beliefs he would then also have to show some compassion for his fellow men and women, rather than the scorn and violence he does now, otherwise, he has learnt nothing.

The other position they may hold is that we are all born completely equal, devoid of any preconditioned responses, and so therefore liberal. But they must then question that if everyone is born like them, if everybody starts out equal, if there are no genders, if racism is a learned behaviour then it is they who are uneducated, for they didnt reach their position through studying the facts in front of them, they have always just been a blissfully ignorant social animal, a progessive liberal, free of the sin of prejudice, but also bereft of any ability to think beyond their basic programme. In this case, it is those on the Right who are the educated ones, who have broken free from the thoughtless prison of the base human reactive mind.

For reasons too numerous to list here, I believe that we are born with the political views we hold, that is, the political system of Left versus Right is a product and expression, or externalisation of the human mind. Through social subversion we have been persueded, or coerced into acting against our best interests. With the removal of the social control mechanisms we would find that the majority of Europeans had a similar worldview, which is that nationalism and conservation of ones race is our default mindset, and our acceptance of this nature the enlightened mindset.

Sure, some Europeans are born liberal, but in the past these low numbers were outcasts, or quietly removed themselves. Over time, through continued patriotic wars the most vocal (and Right-wing) of our people were taken out of society until it was possible for a small group of naturally Left-thinking people to gain enough influence socially to shift political thought, and more importantly, direct our education (to divert our natural tendencies).

Fear not, as current generations are now bringing the pendulum back towards the Right, in large part thanks to the internet breaking the monopoly on education and information that had been put in place. Time is now ticking for the Left, and in many ways the outcome is inevitable for white people. White nationalism is the only position that will lead to our next renaisance. Ignore the social program and embrace the future.