White Feminism

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Modern Feminism is toxic. While I wont discount the possibility that originally it may have been intended to prevent women being left behind by the encroaching modernity of the early 20th century, in its current form it is nothing but a societal poison, damaging for both men and women. It has been thoroughly weaponised to drive a wedge between the sexes, a re-imagined ‘class war’ model favoured by Marxists.

As Europeans attempt to re-establish a voice and a footing for ourselves against a backdrop of genocidal globalism, men are again becoming the leading voices within our identitarian movements, and once again females are feeling increasingly isolated. So perhaps it is time to reload Feminism for the traditional females in our society, a hybrid of Feminism and tradition that both will feel speaks for them as women, and as the feminine. This, I will propose we call ‘White Feminism’.

The emphasis of Feminism over time has been a move away from the true feminine towards a defeminisation, or ‘masculinisation’ of women in which they are being asked to contort themselves into unrealistic shapes, not suited to them physically, or mentally. Media and politics are telling women they can ‘have it all’, and still compete with men, which is not only untrue, but unfair. Men too cant ‘have it all’, men without their core responsibilities would live lives bereft of masculinity – of discipline and determination – and the home would therefore be devoid of men and women altogether, thus sharply ending our race. This would of course suit our enemy, but we must resist their mind control and instead re-organise our societies personally.

So, as the name suggests, White Feminism would be a non-toxic, wholesome version of Feminism, one that emphasises the important role filled by women, and the feminine, historically. The roles now inadequately fulfilled by the state and private corporations, such as healthcare, education, clothing and feeding of oneself and ones family were once the primary concern of females, and essential for a decent society. Over time for example, traditional healthcare was reduced to witchcraft and vilified, until corporations were able to synthesise and monetise it. This is the roots of big pharma, which is now killing our people with drugs, instead of healing them, as the feminine would wish.

Girls would be taught that respect for nature and its age old laws are their paramount concern. For these have always been the concern of females, as they are biologically tied to those laws, and the enforcement of them has historically been the role of women, and the source of true political power they once held.

White Feminism would give women who wish to be mothers an encompassing ideology in which to present decent role models to younger girls, and to show how much strength it takes to be a woman before you become a mother. If girls would like to gain an education, and eventually work, they would at least be aware that eventually they would be entering motherhood at some point, and this would be a goal worth fulfilling not just for themselves, but for their society.

But it is essential that White Feminism be formulated and fleshed out by our women if it is to be attractive to young girls as a prospect for the future, and many of the current ideas being floated can be simply inculcation into it. Some topics yet to be properly investigated for inclusion i would suggest are:
health (both personal and environmental)
bio-pharmacology and holistic healing solutions
spirituality (non dogmatic)
tradition (emphasis on natural processes and systems)
core education (with an emphasis on wisdom rather than knowledge)
forest wisdom, weather watching etc

Perhaps non-Europeans could benefit from the toxic Feminism we find ourselves besieged by today – their world is far more brutal than ours – but in order to increase the number of females fighting for our people and our ideals we must offer them something familiar, stimulating and original, and I believe ‘White Feminism’ is the solution for this.

Health and Safety – Managing the Decline

“That’s health and safety gone mad” is an oft heard phrase in workplaces everywhere, invoked when one is prevented from executing a relatively simple task by bureaucratic cotton wool. But when has Health and Safety ever been sane?
The answer of course, is never.
As the Western World descends into the chaos of the Third World it is obviously important that the lives of those imported to eradicate Europeans do not die of stupidity before the job is done. For this purpose the regulations of Health and Safety –  the workplace equivalent of mum – have been introduced.

Health and Safety is a multi-million [insert currency here] industry that only 30 years ago was practically non-existent. Since the multicultural program to replace European populations began, Health and Safety has become the most important element in many walks of life, but nowhere is it more prevalent than the building industry.

The average construction worker of 100 years ago (and further back) drank alcohol during work, smoked, and ate red meat fried in lard, all whilst constructing some of the most spectacular buildings in the Western world. Bridges were built from steel girders using simple wooden scaffolding, and whole mountain sides were blasted to smithereens using dynamite, with very few accidents or casualties. The Empire State building, the Hoover Dam, the great bridges and railways of the UK, the Eiffel Tower and the cathedrals of Europe were all built by a scant workforce of native people, with much less red tape, fewer deaths and a much higher skill level than most workforces available today.

The people employed by Health and Safety regulations are the only permanent crew on any construction site these days, as labour forces are largely sub-contracted. And the nagging is constant. For example, no one really needs to wear a hard hat when they’re working on the roof of a building, but Health and Safety will enforce it (“more than half of all construction worker fatalities last year were as a result from falling from a height”, see https://www.ft.com/content/b0dca9f4-a5f2-11e4-9bd3-00144feab7de). The fluorescent waistcoat has become a daily item of clothing for many now, yet as the article above states, building site fatalities are on the rise.

Perhaps knowing full well that their potential future employees will lack the curiosity and intellect of the native workers, and wishing ultimately never to be questioned, whilst simultaneously removing any danger of being sued for negligence, many companies happily enforce Health and Safety regulations on people who very clearly do not need it.

In the average workplace, such as offices, where even changing a light bulb requires filling out a risk assessment and wearing the ubiquitous hi-viz jacket, most normal, native Europeans are sick of the constant nannying that goes on in the name of Health and Safety. I have personally witnessed a Health and Safety-obsessed female worker report a sub-contractor for not wearing protective eye wear whilst using a power tool (which protect his eyes, not hers), and then go on to smoke a cigarette in the designated smoking area. Surely if the Health and Safety of their employees in the workplace is paramount, companies would ban smoking, not facilitate it?

The cycling helmet is another item of clothing championed by Health and Safety nuts, which is a topic of debate amongst sensible people. This Guardian article is actually fairly well balanced on the debate https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/mar/21/bike-helmet-cyclists-safe-urban-warfare-wheels.

In short, Health and Safety has been created to manage the decline of the West, and, well, we weren’t supposed to notice it. But the sheer stupidity of the rules can’t go unnoticed by even the average 102 IQ Europeans, let alone the 120-140 IQ workers found in skilled sectors such as construction and engineering. White workers are simply too clever for the regulations.

So it is your duty as the displaced minority to mock, ridicule and disobey the minor Health and Safety regulations (most of which are to ‘protect’, meaning to prevent legal blame being placed on a corporation or company), and to use your noggin when it comes to the more risky situations. Laugh with others about the total lack of need for the regulations in the past, and about the stupidity of them now, and point out how clever they are if they’ve noticed the insidious and controlling design of it. Raise an eyebrow to the migrant worker, looking like the best drone possible in his hat, coat and gloves. 

Of course, I’m not trying to say live the life of a reckless daredevil, you must always protect your fellow white men, women and children, all I ask is that once in a while you leave your kids’ fluorescent waistcoats, harnesses and padded cycling helmets at home – and let the people of colour have the retarded looking children.

When Life Gives You Lemons, Detox.

‘It is said that we are born alkaline, and die acidic.’

Brown is the colour of stagnation. Where a river is free and wild its water is white, whereas, if it is brackish and stagnant, it is brown. When it rots, food goes brown, and when it passes out of the body, devoid of any goodness, it is also brown. In Iridology – the study of the eye for the purposes of determining the health of an individual – brown stains or spots in the eye signify stagnation within the body, through the build up of toxins in the organs. In general, mammals are born with blue eyes, and blue eyes are most definitely seen as a sign of purity, much to the chagrin of brown people.

It is generally agreed that in order to build a lasting and virtually indestructible ethnostate, we must first seek to remove the toxins that pollute our society. Society is a super-structure of the bodies within it, so if the bodies themselves are toxic, then the society will also be the same. Therefore, in order to detoxify our society, and our civilisation, we must first begin with the individuals within it. It may be a controversial idea, but on close inspection I think it quite adequately explains why less white, blue-eyed societies are more prone to stagnation, and ultimately, failure.

The lemon is our first step towards detoxification, and the reversal of the degeneration that leads to stagnation. 

Begin your day by squeezing one whole, organic lemon into a pint of fresh, filtered water. It will not only hydrate you, which has many benefits alone, but as lemon is acidic, it causes the body to create a more alkaline environment. This is the first battle ground on which our fight against the acidic, stagnant environment preventing the ethnostate from being realised will be fought. 

Acidosis, the increase of acidity within the body, is partly the result of our (((toxic environment))) and our (((modern lifestyle))). Lack of sleep, the consumption of too many acidic foods, and heavy metals in our atmosphere all lead to an increase in acid levels in the body, which creates inflammation. An acidic system causes the cells, and the body to degenerate. Inflammation and acidosis have been shown to play a major role in heart disease, stroke, cancer, and no end of common physical ailments.

Because the mind and body are connected, the increased alkalinity in the body will gradually lead to a clearer mind, which will encourage one to seek out more ways to detox, or decrease acidity within the body. Each stage of detoxification will create a more focused, cleaner mind and body, and combined with exercise one will be on the path to becoming a healthy cell within the corpus of society. And if each of us remove some of those toxins from within, we will see them being removed from without. This is how the ethnostate should be built if we wish it to last, and if we wish to bring down the zio-pharmaceutical, zio-chemical and zio-agricultural order once and for all.

At the end of the day, just before bed, fill another pint glass with filtered water and squeeze another lemon into it, so that your body is alkalised during sleep, which is the most important part of the day, as this is when your body is able to start repairing cellular damage.

As I am currently investigating and partaking in this topic, I will be discussing the next stages of detox over time, but to begin with two lemons a day is a very simple and effective way to work towards building a healthy ethnostate, from the roots up.