When Life Gives You Lemons, Detox.

‘It is said that we are born alkaline, and die acidic.’

Brown is the colour of stagnation. Where a river is free and wild its water is white, whereas, if it is brackish and stagnant, it is brown. When it rots, food goes brown, and when it passes out of the body, devoid of any goodness, it is also brown. In Iridology – the study of the eye for the purposes of determining the health of an individual – brown stains or spots in the eye signify stagnation within the body, through the build up of toxins in the organs. In general, mammals are born with blue eyes, and blue eyes are most definitely seen as a sign of purity, much to the chagrin of brown people.

It is generally agreed that in order to build a lasting and virtually indestructible ethnostate, we must first seek to remove the toxins that pollute our society. Society is a super-structure of the bodies within it, so if the bodies themselves are toxic, then the society will also be the same. Therefore, in order to detoxify our society, and our civilisation, we must first begin with the individuals within it. It may be a controversial idea, but on close inspection I think it quite adequately explains why less white, blue-eyed societies are more prone to stagnation, and ultimately, failure.

The lemon is our first step towards detoxification, and the reversal of the degeneration that leads to stagnation. 

Begin your day by squeezing one whole, organic lemon into a pint of fresh, filtered water. It will not only hydrate you, which has many benefits alone, but as lemon is acidic, it causes the body to create a more alkaline environment. This is the first battle ground on which our fight against the acidic, stagnant environment preventing the ethnostate from being realised will be fought. 

Acidosis, the increase of acidity within the body, is partly the result of our (((toxic environment))) and our (((modern lifestyle))). Lack of sleep, the consumption of too many acidic foods, and heavy metals in our atmosphere all lead to an increase in acid levels in the body, which creates inflammation. An acidic system causes the cells, and the body to degenerate. Inflammation and acidosis have been shown to play a major role in heart disease, stroke, cancer, and no end of common physical ailments.

Because the mind and body are connected, the increased alkalinity in the body will gradually lead to a clearer mind, which will encourage one to seek out more ways to detox, or decrease acidity within the body. Each stage of detoxification will create a more focused, cleaner mind and body, and combined with exercise one will be on the path to becoming a healthy cell within the corpus of society. And if each of us remove some of those toxins from within, we will see them being removed from without. This is how the ethnostate should be built if we wish it to last, and if we wish to bring down the zio-pharmaceutical, zio-chemical and zio-agricultural order once and for all.

At the end of the day, just before bed, fill another pint glass with filtered water and squeeze another lemon into it, so that your body is alkalised during sleep, which is the most important part of the day, as this is when your body is able to start repairing cellular damage.

As I am currently investigating and partaking in this topic, I will be discussing the next stages of detox over time, but to begin with two lemons a day is a very simple and effective way to work towards building a healthy ethnostate, from the roots up.